You deserve personalized
investment advice

Successful, long-term investing requires a personalized strategy and consistent attention to detail.

Our clients rely on us to provide ongoing structural support and realistic investment advice that empowers them to live and manage wealth confidently.

IM Investing Disciplines

Discipline # 1
Realistic Portfolio Design

Like planning a trip, our clients demand a reliable method of transportation to reach their destination(s) ON TIME, COMFORTABLY.

A realistic portfolio strategy should maximize your time and money resources to pursue sustainable efficiency.

What this looks like is simple. We use statistical data to guide you from point A to point B as comfortably as possible.

Discipline # 2
Meaningful Benchmarking

Our advice is laser-focused on helping you achieve YOUR GOALS for YOUR REASONS. We have no interest in clouding your mind with our values, our dreams, or what everyone else is doing.

Being a successful investor is NOT ABOUT arbitrarily outperforming your peers or an index.

Instead, we use statistical, data-based benchmarking to measure your pace toward achieving all of your goals, regardless of what the market is doing.

This discipline provides you with wisdom and discernment to make needle-moving decisions with clarity, focus, and meaning.

Discipline # 3
Structural Consistency

Consistency is easily the most important discipline in the bunch. No matter how good your portfolio design is when originally authored, it needs to be monitored and measured at regular intervals.

This doesn’t mean you should be making changes for the sake of change. But disciplined investors have a clear policy for crucial in-flight adjustments.

IM 3D - The Structural Disciplines we bring to our investors are as follows:

  1. Routine Checkpoints
    We’ll be seeing you for a minimum of 4 quarterly tactical portfolio huddles every year. We use this time to deliver a full multi-point inspection report of your entire portfolio from top to bottom. If there’s any reason for BIG changes, SMALL changes, or anywhere in between, you’ll know exactly how, when, and why.

  2. Non-Routine Checkpoints
    Let’s face it, we all are constantly changing, as is the world around us. So when things come up, and you need timely investment advice, you should never need to wait until your next power huddle to get the guidance you need. We maintain an open-door-policy for all of our client families.

  3. Proactive IM SWOOP Notifications
    Having a solid routine and getting answers to important questions is good, but the discipline that separates good investors from great is in the details. Our clients lead active, busy lives. The last thing they want to do with the little free time they do have is scour the market and economic data, to then formulate questions to bring to us in a “Non-Routine Checkpoint”.

    Economic conditions, market conditions, tax code, and legislation are always changing. As a client, it’s not your job to stay on top of all this. That’s our job. Our role is to continually bring the most relevant intel to you and your family, so you can make informed decisions at a pace that suits your busy schedule.

Learn about our Flight Options to see if we’re a good fit for YOU